We support both families with children and young people who have a disability. We believe friendship and support are important cornerstones of a meaningful and fulfilling life. Our programs focus on building meaningful companionship and social experiences in the community through sport, arts, recreation and general participation in all life's experiences.
ExtendABLE Online is an online social inclusion program designed to offer opportunities for participants to stay connected and engaged in a time when face to face services are not an option.
How does ExtendABLE Online work?
ExtendABLE Online is an online social inclusion support program designed to offer opportunities for participants to connect and engage in a safe and social environment.
It is a great way for NDIS participants to develop relationships with peers while engaging in activities of interest - it can be done from home, which saves the hassle of getting from A to B - fantastic for rural participants - and is also a way for kids to use their screen time valuably. Our program is an amazingly affordable options for participants who have limited funding, but still want to get involved!
What sort of groups are available?
We have many groups in development, we currently have the following on offer:
Click to download a PDF version of our timetable and current activities here.
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Magic with Alexander |
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All Things Gaming with Billy |
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Crafts & Trivia with Elise |
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Exercise with Elise - It can be hard to get up and moving, but if it means you get to catch up with friends, while staying active, strong and having fun, this is exercise you’ll look forward to! |
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Dancing with Emma |
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Disney Story Time |
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Cooking with Ruby |
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Drawing with Keely |
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All Things Pokémon |
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Around the World with Jude |
How does ExtendABLE work?
We will offer programs of support that run for a limited number of weeks. These will mostly be term based, but we may offer shorter programs during holidays. If you are interested in specific programs, let us know and we can develop something to suit you.
What do you need?
A device with an internet connection and camera – a laptop, PC or iPad work best, but a phone may work for some sessions.
You will need to download the Zoom app to participate, and some sessions may require additional materials (i.e., pen and paper, musical instrument, crafts, cooking ingredients), however we will try to make sure these items can be found at home and will give you plenty of notice if anything additional is required.
To participate in our Trivia and Games session, the program Kahoot is used. Instructions on how to set this up can be provided.
Please also try to make sure your session space is quiet with minimal background noise.
We bill our sessions using a group rate, so it’s a really great affordable option for participants who have limited funding, but still want to get involved!
Each session will be billed at 1.5 hours, which is the amount of time our inclusion support workers are paid. 1 hour covers the session time, and 30 minutes is for preparation, planning and reporting for each session. This amount is also then divided by the number of participants enrolled.
Part of the service ExtendABLE provides includes supporting with the planning, oversight and coordination of the sessions. In order to cover this cost, we will be billing 10 minutes of non-face-to-face support for each session a participant is enrolled in, up to a maximum of 1 hour per week.
You may exit from a program given 2 weeks' notice. If another participant exits from a program you are participating in during the program period, the group rate will then be altered to reflect the number of participants remaining in the program.
For example, the cost for a group with 4 participants under Core supports will be $31.87 per session, including the non-face-to-face cost. Under Capacity Building (Increased Social & Community Participation), it would be $34.26 per session, including the non-face-to-face cost
How do I sign up?
Send your enrolment questions and enquiries to Georgia (georgia.woodrow@extendedfamilies.org.au) or contact her on 0414 532 461. You are welcome to trial a session before committing. You will also be sent information about using Zoom and how the sessions run prior to attending.
You can also sign up online via this form link.
Our Individual volunteers provide genuine friendship, practical assistance and mentoring support to a child or young person, helping them develop important life skills.
Our Individual volunteers provide genuine friendship, practical assistance and mentoring support to a child or young person, helping them develop important life skills. They also help them take part in social activities such as a variety of sport, recreation and leisure events that are of interest to the child. Some volunteer matches also provide direct support for the family.
Our volunteer match program assists participants with developing:
How it works:
NDIS Category: 3.09 Increased social and community participation
Whether you need skills training to enable participation, support to overcome barriers to access mainstream services or assistance to access the community,
LinC can provide it all.
Whether you need skills training to enable participation, support to overcome barriers to access mainstream services or assistance to access the community, LinC can provide it all.
Skills Development:
Our Experienced staff provide individual life and social skills training for children and young people with a disability, to enable them to participate more fully in the community and improve their relationships with others.
Service Capacity Building: We support mainstream services which enable the inclusion and participation of children and young people with disability. We support participants to overcome barriers in attending main stream services.
Inclusion Support: Inclusion support workers provide support to enable a child or young person with a disability to independently engage in community, social and recreational activities. They support the achievement of specified social, personal and developmental needs and goals. This program can also incorporate a volunteer to support the child or young person alongside the worker to further the experience and build meaningful connections.
Extended Families is an NDIS registered, TTP provider. Our rates are based on the NDIS Price guide and are updated in line with the NDIS price guide when ever it changes.
Core Supports
4.04 Assistance with Social and Community Participation - 1:1, Group, Standard and Complex Needs.
1.01 Assistance with Self-Care Activities
Capacity Building Supports
3.11 Improved relationships - Individual social skills development
3.09 Increased social and community participation - Individual skills development and training
Further information about the LinC program and the detailed rates are listed in this flyer
We offer a variety of activities for school aged children and young adults. These take place on weekends, after school and during school holidays including one-off events, skills series, day outings, friendship groups, camps and peer support. Activity costs may apply to some events
Small to medium sized groups of children or young people with disabilities meet regularly, in a community venue and/or to access the community.
The group is supported by staff and volunteers. The groups build peer connections, help participants learn and strengthen social skills, build confidence and encourages participation in community activities and
events. Parents and siblings may attend some groups. Some groups are culturally specific and led by multi-lingual staff.
All eligible children and young people, including NDIS participants
1.04 Assistance with social and community participation
A weekend away for families held at a camp facility to enable positive connections, mutual support and fun experiences - a family holiday in a supported way.
Possible (optional) additional support for part of the time to enable respite and opportunity for parent activities and interaction.
All eligible children and young people, including NDIS participants
3.09 Increased social and community participation
Regular get-together programs for parents of children with a disability to share experiences, develop connections and receive support, information and education relevant to their care role.
We currently offer My Time peer support groups in Springvale and Deer Park which supports developmental play experiences. These groups are facilitated by a Vietnamese speaking worker.
Other groups, including culturally specific groups, will be developed based on request or identified need.
Parent education is provided as a one off session or a short series.
All eligible children and young people, including NDIS participants
3.09 Increased social and community participation
3.15 Improved daily living skills
Finding your way through the process of planning and connecting with services can be challenging and time consuming. If you have Support Coordination as part
of your NDIS package, we can help you with this process to achieve your goals.
Extended Families provides independent support coordination to help you manage your NDIS plan.
Our team of experienced staff will help you:
For Support Coordination our age range is wider, also working with parents who have a disability, utilising both our strong individual and family focus to ensure positive outcomes.
Our support team are culturally sensitive and include bi-lingual staff in Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese and Arabic.
Children, young people and parents with a disability who have an NDIS plan
3.07 Coordination of support
As a registered plan management provider, Extended Families can manage the NDIS funding for supports on the participant’s behalf. Plan Management is a financial intermediary service that manages the financial and administrative aspects of an NDIS Plan.
We know that parents are busy managing and supporting their family. Plan Management can take away the stress of managing the funding aspect in your NDIS Plan.
One advantage of Plan Management is that the participant can receive
supports from service providers who are both registered and not
registered with the NDIS.
The service can be requested from the NDIS, and like Support Coordination Plan, it is an additional funded item and does not reduce funding from your other support budgets. There are no out of pocket expenses for participants.
What does our Plan Management service do?
Plan Management is a financial intermediary service and describes the processes of organising the financial and administrative aspects of the NDIS Plan on behalf of the participant. This includes:
Do I have to have both Plan Management and Support Coordination from the same organisation?
No you can choose to have both from the one organisation or separate organisations.
What choice do I have to manage the funding in my NDIS Plan?
There are three choices for managing NDIS funding and claims:
How long will it take to pay invoices?
You will get a personalised, prompt and efficient service with Extended Families. With many bigger organisations now taking month to pay, we pride ourselves on a quick turnaround. Invoices will be paid within 14 days of receipt, unless there are issues with the set-up of the Plan in the NDIA portal (or other NDIA portal issues beyond our control).
What is the cost of Plan Management?
The service can be a part of your NDIS Plan if you request it. It is paid for by the NDIA at a set level, and does not impact or reduce funding for any other area in your Plan, it is an additional funded item and is not deducted from your direct supports. There are no out of pocket expenses for participants.
Can you help me if I want to self-manage?
If you want to self-manage in the future, we can help you prepare for that. We can help you develop the skills in management of financial and service activities. You can stop using us any time and become fully self-managed when you are ready. We are here to help.
How to I access the service?
Once you have Plan Management in your NDIS Plan, participants or Support Coordinators can complete the Plan Management Request for Service Form. Once received, along with a copy of you NDIS Plan, we will develop a service agreement with the participant or their representative and provide you with specific information about processes to enable us to work together effectively.
Why choose Extended Families for Plan Management?
So let us take care of managing supplier payments, communication and administration so you have more time for yourself.
Click here to contact Extended Families Plan Management service.
Extended Families’ Carer’s Rebalance Wellbeing and Respite program is designed to support the needs of carers in Victoria.
If you are a carer for a young person with a disability, you can apply to access Extended Families Carer’s Rebalance funding to meet specific health and wellbeing needs you can’t currently access.
These services are designed to be flexible and can be anything you identify a need for that meets health, respite, work, education, or wellbeing needs. Examples might include:
Psychology or counselling services | Funding for respite accommodation so you can get away | Support to find or keep a job | Support to fund a course | Funding for a weekend getaway |
Specialist medical services | Funding for support workers | Support for training and courses required for work | Funding for training or courses | Support to accesses leisure activities |
Dietician or Allied Health Services | Funding to access community respite services | Funding for career counselling or employment support | Funding for student materials | Access to Yoga or Pilates classes |
How does it work?
Who can use this service?
Do you need more information?
Contact the Rebalance Program Coordinator, Ahysa on 0414 923 913.
Download the Rebalance Flier here
Vươn Lên and Tham Gia - Facilitating friendship, belonging and achievement for young Vietnamese people
Vươn Lên (VL) and Tham Gia are group based community inclusion programs offered by Vietnamese Families with Special Needs and Extended Families Australia with funding provided through the NDIS’ Information, Linkages and Capacity Building scheme.
The programs support Vietnamese children, youth and young adults who have experienced significant barriers to meaning community participation because of their disability.
Vươn Lên Peer Support Program - offers fortnightly structured small group friendship meet ups for young people with Autism (ages 15-18 and 19-24 years) with the aim of supporting participants to improve their social connection, build on their interests and strengths, develop key life skills to boost confidence and motivation, and facilitate community and vocational inclusion. The program runs two groups in the western region (Brimbank - youth and young adult) and one in south east (Springvale – young adult) across 2021-2022.
See the full Vươn Lên program details here
Tham Gia provides school holiday events for both large and smaller groups of primary and secondary aged children/youth of Vietnamese background living with a disability in the western and southern metro areas. The program offers supported opportunities for young people with various types of disabilities to experience locally based activities and to explore the communities in which they live. It will offer support to 4 groups of young people and families (primary, secondary, senior secondary and families) with 4 events per school holiday period (one event per group per holiday break) commencing January 2021.
Find out more Tham Gia School Holiday Program - Western Region
Find out more Tham Gia School Holiday Program - Southern Region
If you are interested in participating any of these programs, please follow the above links.
Program brochures, Expression of Interest Forms and Program Contacts for each program can be found on these pages.
Living with a disability can be difficult. We support people aged 0-30 and their families in Melbourne and the Mornington Peninsula to build friendships and connect with their community.
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P.O.Box 275
Coburg Victoria 3058